Ingredients of this
Monster: 1 ripe avocado, 2 cups baby spinach, 1 tablespoon chia and flax powder, 1 cup homemade almond milk, 1 organic banana, 1 teaspoon organic wheatgrass powder. I recommend using a blender, because I used a food processor and it didn't sound very good. I really have to buy a blender.
Today, after my extremely hard spin class, I stopped at a little fruit and vegetable store and picked up this baby!
A sweet dumpling squash! |
I plan to bake it with a bit of sea salt and oil! Can't wait! Now, about this spin class. Once the warm up started I knew I wasn't really feeling it. I've been pushing myself hard these past few days, and I could really feel it during this ride. I kept telling myself that after the next song I could quit. But after the song passed, I kept saying "just one more" and soon enough there were only 3 songs left; so I couldn't quit. The teacher was really good for getting me to keep going though, she'd say "you've worked this hard already, you can't give it up now, talk to your body, its going to want to quit, but you're stronger than that." She should be a motivational speaker. I didn't have my Garmin with me, Ryan was using it on an outdoor bikeride, but I'm positive I burned between the 600-700 range of calories.
I made some great granola last night. Just the usual pumpkin granola with no oil. I added a bit more agave becuase Ryan wanted it sweeter this time.
I was so excited to eat it with my homemade almond milk that I didn't even wait for it to cool down. |
Now, for this sweet dumpling!
can i order some of those yummy healthy cereal?