Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sorry it's taken me so long. I feel like I've had absolutely no rest time. My cortisol is through the roof, i'm not sleeping enough, and my training is going backwards. I'm dedicating today, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to full fledged rest from excercise. Unfortunately I'll be working like a maniac anyways, but, it's better than nothing.

Yesterday I did a 20 min WOD with a co-worker, and I almost made him throw up: 4 rounds (20 cal row, 10 clean and jerks (75 lbs), 15 pushups). Then I finished it off with some traditional shoulder work ( 4 sets 6 reps of shoulder press (30 lb dumbbells), 4 sets of 8 reps of front raises (15 lb dumbells), and some dumbell snatches, 4 sets 8 reps (40 lb dumbbells).

I probably shouldn't have done shoulders yesterday since I'm showing some people how to use Kettelbells tomorrow, but I'm still young right?! I'll load up on BCAA's and fish oil.

I made some delicious meals in the last few days. I don't have time now, but I'll post the pictures and recipes later tonight!

Bye :)

1 comment:

  1. You work so hard ! Can't wait to see you on Sunday night little Monster !!!
