Why has my body let me down! It's times like these when I wonder if I am doing everything that I can to stay healthy. Was I just unlucky, and caught a cold even though I am healthy, or do I have some diet changes to work on? I've read a lot about people who follow a 100% raw food diet, and they say that they have not gotten sick in years since switching to that lifestyle. It's definitely something to think about.
For the kale pesto recipe I link you to "
Edible Perspective Kale Pesto" . A few things that I changed: I did half almonds, half pecans, I wasn't sure how much a bunch wash, so I did about 7 leaves (took the stems out), and I only boiled the kale for 2 minutes.
I really hate having to take all this time off from the gym. I can already feel my muscles deflating. I figure I should be okay to do some light weight lifting tomorrow and some light cardio. A benefit of being sick is that Ive rededicated myself to my goals. I didn't know quite how much I loved exercise then during the time I couldn't do it.
Anyways, I woke up this morning and wanted pancakes. I pretty much wake up every morning wanting pancakes, but this morning I actually acted on it.
Delicious Spelt Pancakes:
- 1 + 1/3 cup spelt flour, or any other flour should work
- 1 +1/4 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 tsp sea salt
- 1 tbsp sucanat
- 1 egg ( or 1 chia egg)
- 1 + 1/3 cup almond milk
Whisk the egg up on its own and then add to all other ingredients. Feel free to add more sugar if you like really sweet pancakes. I toasted off some pecans and added it on top, and it made for a delicious breakfast!
Last night, as my cold got worse, I did not want to leave the house or cook. Unfortunately, I had to leave the house so that I could pick up food that someone else had cooked for me. I went to the magic oven and got their power vegan chickpea soup, a side salad, and a grilled veggie and goat cheese wrap. It was pretty tasty, for what I could taste of it.
Salad with mango, walnuts, avocado. |
This had a grapefruit vinaigrette. |
Whole wheat wrap |
Now I have to keep resting even though it is the most boring thing, EVER!, and then hopefully I will be better and able to workout again :)